Jamey, K., Laflamme, H., Foster, N. E., Rigoulot, S., Hyde, K. L., & Dalla Bella, S. (preprint). Enhancing sensorimotor and executive functioning in autistic children with a rhythmic videogame: A pilot study.
Jamey, K., Laflamme, H., Foster, N.E.V., Rigoulot, S., Kotz, S.A., Dalla Bella, S. (preprint). Can you beat the music? Validation of a gamified rhythmic training in children with ADHD.
Bourdon, A., Damm, L., Dotov, D., Ihalainen, P., Dalla Bella, S., Bardy, B. G., & Cochen De Cock, V. (2025). Gait ecological assessment in persons with Parkinson’s disease engaged in a synchronized musical rehabilitation program. npj Parkinson’s Disease, 11(1), 12. DOI: 10.1038/s41531-024-00852-6
Romkey, I. D., Foster, N.E.V., Dalla Bella, S., Penhune, V. (2025). The pleasurable urge to move to music is unchanged in musical anhedonia. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0312030
Löser, A.S., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P.E., Villringer, A., Obrig, H., Engel, A. (in press). Inhibitory control and working memory predict rhythm production abilities in patients with neurocognitive deficits. Neuropsychologia.
Zagala, A., Foster, N.E.V., van Vugt, F.T., Dal Maso, F., Dalla Bella, S. (2024). The Ramp protocol: uncovering individual differences in walking to an auditory beat using TeensyStep. Scientific Reports, 14, 23779. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-72508-7
Dalla Bella, S., & Falk, S. (in press). Rhythmic processes in stuttering and Parkinson’s disease. In L. Meyer and A. Strauss (Eds), Rhythms of speech and language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jamey, K., Foster, N. E., Hyde, K. L., & Dalla Bella, S. (2024). Does music training improve inhibition control in children? A systematic review and meta-analysis . DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2024.105913. Cognition, 252, 105913
Rathcke, T., Falk, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2024). Why does speech sometimes sound like song? Exploring the role of music-related priors in the “speech-to-song illusion”. Music & Science, 7. DOI: 10.1177/20592043241266060
Bahadori, M., Bhutani, N., & Dalla Bella, S. (2024). Enhancement of temporal processing via transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 17(4), 925-927. DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2024.07.006
Dalla Bella, S., Foster, N.E.V., Laflamme, H., Zagala, A., Kadi, M., Komeilipoor, N., Blais, M., Rigoulot, S., & Kotz, S.A. (2024). Mobile version of the Battery for the Assessment of Auditory Sensorimotor and Timing Abilities (BAASTA): Implementation and adult norms. Behavior Research Methods. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-024-02363-x Supplementary files: Norm summary tables / Norm full tables / Comparison and questionnaires
Dalla Bella, S., Janaqi, S., Benoit, C-E., Farrugia, N., Bégel, V., Verga, L., Harding, E.E., & Kotz, S.A. (2024). Unravelling individual rhythmic abilities using machine learning. Scientific Reports, 14, 1135. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-51257-7
Dalla Bella, S. (2023). Unraveling individual differences in synchronizing to the beat of music . In C. Wöllner and J. London (Eds), Performing time: Synchrony and temporal flow in music and dance (pp. 225-230), Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780192896254
Dotov, D., Cochen de Cock, V., Bardy, B., & Dalla Bella, S. (2023). Coordination rigidity in the gait, posture, and speech of persons with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Motor Behavior, 55, 394-409. DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2023.2217100X
Puyjarinet, F., Bégel, V., Geny, C., Driss, V., Cuartero, M-C., Cochen de Cock, V., Pinto, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2022). At-home training with a rhythmic video game for improving orofacial, manual and gait abilities in Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study. Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 16:874032.
Grau-Sánchez, J., Jamey, K., Paraskevopoulos, E., Dalla Bella, S., Gold, C., Schlaug, G., Belleville, S., Rodríguez-Fornells, A., Hackney, M. E., & Särkämö, T. (2022). Putting music to trial : Consensus on key methodological challenges investigating music-based rehabilitation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1518(1):12-24.
Oschkinat, M., Hoole, P., Falk, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2022). Temporal malleability to auditory feedback perturbation is modulated by rhythmic abilities and auditory acuity . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16:885074.
Dalla Bella, S. (2022). Rhythmic serious games as an inclusive tool for music-based interventions . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1517(1):15-24.
Fiveash, A., Dalla Bella, S., Bigand, E., Gordon, R., & Tillmann, B. (2022). You got rhythm, or more: The multidimensionality of rhythmic abilities. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 84, 1370-1392.
Bégel, V., Dalla Bella, S., Devignes, A., Vanderbergue, M., Lemaître, M-P., & Dellacherie, D. (2022). Rhythm as an independent determinant of developmental dyslexia. Developmental Psychology, 58(2), 339-358.
Bégel, V., Bachrach, A., Dalla Bella, S., Laroche, J., Clément, S., Riquet, A., Dellacherie, D. (2022). Dance improves motor, cognitive and social skills in children with developmental cerebellar anomalies. The Cerebellum, 21(2), 264-79.
Brinkmann, P., Rigoulot, S., Kadi, M., Schwartze, M., Kotz, S.A., & Dalla Bella, S. (2021). About time: Ageing influences neural markers of temporal predictability. Biological Psychology, 163, 108135.
Agres, K., Schaefer, R., Volk, A., van Hooren, S., Holzapfel, A., Dalla Bella, S., Müller, M., de Witte, M., Herremans, D., Melendez, R.R., Neerincx, M., Ruiz, S., Meredith, D., Dimitriadis, T., & Magee, W. (2021). Music, Computing, and Health: Current and future roles of music technology for healthcare and well-being. Music and Science, 4, 1-32.
Zagala, A., Foster, N.E.V., & Dalla Bella, S. (2021). Commentary: A tablet-based assessment of rhythmic ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 607676.
Ratchke, T., Lin, C-Y., Falk, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2021). Tapping into linguistic rhythm. Laboratory Phonology, 12 (1), 1-32.
Rathcke, T., Falk, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2021). Music to your ears : Sentence sonority and listener background modulate the « speech-to-song illusion ». Music Perception, 38(5), 499-508.
Cochen De Cock, A., Dotov, D., Damm, L., Lacombe, S., Ihalainen, P., Picot, M.C., Galtier, F., Lebrun, C., Giordano, A., Driss, V., Geny, C., Garzo, A., Hernandez, E., Van Dyck, E., Leman, M., Villing, R., Bardy, B., & Dalla Bella, S. (2021). BeatWalk: personalized music-based gait rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 655121.
Hidalgo, C., Zécri, A., Pesnot-Lerousseau, J., Truy, E., Roman, S., Falk, S., Dalla Bella, S., & Schön, D. (2021). Rhythmic abilities of children with hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 42(2), 364-372.
Roy, C., Dalla Bella, S., Pla, S., & Lagarde, J. (2021). Multisensory integration and behavioral stability. Psychological Research, 85(2), 879-886.
Bouvet, C.J., Bardy, B.G., Keller, P.E., Dalla Bella, S., Nozaradan, S., & Varlet, M. (2020). Accent-induced modulation of neural and movement patterns during spontaneous synchronization to auditory rhythms. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(12), 2260-71.
Moumdjian, L., Maes, P-J., Dalla Bella, S., Decker, L.M., Moens, B., Feys, P., & Leman, M. (2020). Detrended fluctuation analysis of gait dynamics when entraining to music and metronomes at different tempi in persons with multiple sclerosis. Scientific Reports – Nature, 10(1), 12934.
Dalla Bella, S. (2020). The use of rhythm in rehabilitation for patients with movement disorders. In L. Cuddy, S. Belleville, and A. Moussard (Eds.), Music and the aging brain (pp. 383-406), Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.
Fanuel, L., Portrat, S., Dalla Bella, S., Tillmann, B., & Plancher, G. (2020). Do temporal regularities during maintenance benefit short-term memory in the elderly? Inhibition capacities matter. Experimental Aging Research, 46(5), 396-415.
Damm, L., Varoqui, D., Cochen De Cock, V., Dalla Bella, S., & Bardy, B. (2020). Why do we move to the beat? A multi-scale approach, from physical principles to brain dynamics. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 112, 553-584.
Cochen De Cock, V., de Verbizier, D., Picot, M.C., Damm, L., Abril, B., Galtier, F., Driss, V., Lebrun, C., Pageot, N., Giordano, A., Gonzalvez, C., Homeyer, P., Carlander, B., Castelnovo, G., Geny, C., Bardy, B., & Dalla Bella, S. (2020). Rhythm disturbances as a potential early marker of Parkinson’s disease in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 7(3), 280-287.
Puyjarinet, F., Bégel, V., Gény, C., Driss, V., Cuartero, Kotz, S., Pinto, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). Heightened orofacial, manual, and gait variability in Parkinson’s disease results from a general rhythmic impairment. npj Parkinson’s Disease, 5, 1-7.
Dotov, D.G., Cochen de Cock, V., Geny, C., Ihalainen, P., Moens, Leman, M., Bardy, B., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). The role of interaction and predictability in the spontaneous entrainment of movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148, 1041-57.
Bouvet, C.J., Varlet, M., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P.E., Bardy, B.G. (2019). Accent-induced stabilization of spontaneous auditory-motor synchronization. Psychological Research. (Jun 15, Epub ahead of print)
Ravignani, A., Dalla Bella, S., Falk, S., Kello, C.T., Noriega, F., & Kotz, S.A. (2019). Rhythm in speech and animal vocalizations: a cross-species perspective. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1453, 79-98.
Politimou, N., Dalla Bella, S., Farrugia, N., & Franco, F. (2019). Born to speak and sing: Musical predictors of language development in pre-schoolers. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 948.
Bouvet, C.J., Varlet, M., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P.E., Zelic, G., & Bardy, B.G. (2019). Preferred frequency ratios for spontaneous auditory-motor synchronization: Dynamical stability and hysteresis. Acta Psychologica, 196, 33-41.
Ravignani, A., Kello, C., de Reus, K., Kotz, S.A., Dalla Bella, S., Méndez-Arostegui, M., Rapado-Tamarit, B., Rubio-Garcia, A., & de Boer, B. (2019). Ontogeny of vocal rhythms in harbour seal pups : An exploratory study. Current Zoology, 65(1), 107-120.
Dalla Bella, S. (2018). Music and movement : Towards a translational approach. Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology, 48(6), 377-38.
Dauvergne, C., Bégel, V., Geny, C., Laffont, I., & Dalla Bella, S. (2018). Home-based training of rhythmic skills via a serious game in Parkinson’s disease: Usability and acceptability. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61(6), 380-385.
Laffont, I., & Dalla Bella, S. (2018). Music, rhythm, rehabilitation and the brain: From pleasure to synchronization of biological rhythms. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61(6), 363-64.
Dalla Bella, S., Dotov, D.G., Bardy, B., & Cochen de Cock, V. (2018). Individualization of music-based rhythmic auditory cueing in Parkinson’s disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1423, 308-17.
Bégel, V., Verga, L., Benoit, C-E., Kotz, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2018). Test-retest reliability of the Battery for the Assessment of Auditory Sensorimotor and Timing Abilities (BAASTA). Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61(6), 395-400.
Bégel, V., Seilles, A., & Dalla Bella, S. (2018). Rhythm Workers: A music-based serious game for training rhythm skills. Music and Science, 1, 1-16.
Cochen de Cock, V., Dotov, D.G., Ihalainen, P., Bégel, V., Galtier, F., Lebrun, C., Picot, M.C., Driss, V., Landragin, N., Geny, C., Bardy, B, & Dalla Bella, S. (2018). Rhythmic abilities and musical training in Parkinson’s disease: do they help? npj Parkinson’s Disease, 4(1), 8.
Dalla Bella, S., Farrugia, N., Benoit, C-E., Bégel, V., Verga, L., Harding, E., & Kotz, S.A. (2017). BAASTA: Battery for the Assessment of Auditory Sensorimotor and Timing Abilities. Behavior Research Methods, 49(3), 1128-1145.
Dalla Bella, S., Benoit, C-E., Farrugia, N., Keller, P., Obrig, H., Mainka, S., & Kotz, S.A., (2017). Gait improvement via rhythmic stimulation is Parkinson’s disease is linked to rhythmic skills. Scientific Reports – Nature, 7: 42005.
Kello, C.T., Dalla Bella, S., Médé, B., & Balasubramaniam, R. (2017). Hierarchical temporal structure in music, speech and animal vocalizations : jazz is like a conversation, humpbacks sing like hermit thrushes. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14(135), 20170231.
Puyjarinet, F., Bégel, V., & Dalla Bella, S. (2017). Déficits temporels et rythmiques dans le TDA/H. In J. Marquet-Doléac, R. Soppelsa, J.M. Albaret (Eds.), Entretiens de Psychomotricité 2017 (pp. 1-8), Toulouse : Europa Digital & Publishing.
Puyjarinet, F., Bégel, V., Lopez, R., Dellacherie, D., & Dalla Bella, S. (2017). Children and adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders cannot move to the beat. Scientific Reports – Nature, 7(1), 11550.
Dotov, D., Bayard, S., Cochen de Cock, V., Geny, C., Driss, V., Garrigue, G., Bardy, B., Dalla Bella, S. (2017). Biologically-variable rhythmic auditory cues are superior to isochronous cues in fostering natural gait variability in Parkinson’s disease. Gait & Posture, 51, 64-69.
Bégel, V., Benoit, C-E., Correa, A., Cutanda, D., Kotz, S.A., & Dalla Bella, S. (2017). “Lost in time” but still moving to the beat. Neuropsychologia, 94, 129-138.
Bégel, V., Di Loreto, Seilles, A., & Dalla Bella, S. (2017). Music games: potential application and considerations for rhythmic training. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 273.
Roy, C., Dalla Bella, S., &Lagarde, J. (2017). To bridge or not to bridge the multisensory time gap: bimanual coordination to sound and touch with temporal lags. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 135-151.
Roy, C., Lagarde, J., Dotov, D., & Dalla Bella, S. (2017). Walking to a multisensory beat. Brain and Cognition, 113, 172-83.
Bialunska, A., & Dalla Bella, S. (2017). Music and speech distractors disrupt sensorimotor synchronization: effects of musical training. Experimental Brain Research, 235(12), 3619-3630.
Falk, S., Volpi-Moncorger, C., & Dalla Bella, S. (2017). Auditory-motor rhythms and speech processing in French and German listeners. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 395.
Dotov, D.G., Bardy B.G., & Dalla Bella, S. (2016). The role of environmental constraints in walking: Effects of steering and sharp turns on gait dynamics. Scientific Reports – Nature, 6:28374.
Dalla Bella, S., Sowiński, J., Farrugia, N., & Berkowska, M. (2016). Igor: A case study of a child drummer prodigy. In G. McPherson (Ed.), Musical Prodigies: Interpretations from Psychology, Music Education, Musicology and Ethnomusicology (pp. 391-408), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Music and brain plasticity. In S. Hallam, I. Cross, & M. Thaut (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, Second Edition (pp. 325-342), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Vocal performance in occasional singers. In G. Welch (Ed.), Oxford Handbook on Vocal Performance, Oxford: Oxford University Press (published online February 2016).
Falk, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2016). It is better when expected: Aligning speech and motor rhythms enhances verbal processing. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31(5), 699-708.
Dalla Bella, S., Berkowska, M., & Sowiński, J. (2015). Moving to the beat and singing are linked in humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9: 663.
Dalla Bella, S., Benoit, C-E., Farrugia, N., Schwartze, M., & Kotz, S.A. (2015). Effects of musically-cued gait training in Parkinson’s disease: Beyond a motor benefit. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1337, 77-85.
Dalla Bella, S., & Sowiński, J. (2015). Uncovering beat deafness: Detecting rhythm disorders with synchronized finger tapping and perceptual timing tasks. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 97, e51761.
Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Defining poor-pitch-singing: A problem of measurement and sensitivity. Music Perception, 32(3), 272-282.
Falk, S., Müller, T., & Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Non-verbal sensorimotor timing deficits in children and adolescents who stutter. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 847.
Bardy, B.G., Hoffmann, C.P., Moens, B., Leman, M., & Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Sound-induced stabilization of breathing and moving. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1337, 94-100.
Demorest, S., Pfordresher, S., Dalla Bella, S., Hutchins, S., Loui, P., Rutkowski, J., &, Welch, G. (2015). Methodological perspectives on singing accuracy: An introduction to the special issue on singing accuracy. Music Perception, 32(3), 266-271.
Pfordresher, S., Demorest, S., Dalla Bella, S., Hutchins, S., Loui, P., Rutkowski, J., &, Welch, G. (2015). Theoretical perspectives on singing accuracy: An introduction to the special issue on singing accuracy. Music Perception, 32(3), 227-231.
Van Dyck, E., Moens, B., Buhmann, J., Demey, M., Coorevits, E., Dalla Bella, S., & Leman, M. (2015). Spontaneous entrainment of running cadence to music tempo. Sports Medicine Open, 1(1), 15.
Falk, S., Rathcke, T., & Dalla Bella, S. (2014). When speech sounds like music. Journal of Experimental Psychology: HPP, 40(4), 1491-1506.
Benoit, C-E., Dalla Bella, S., Farrugia, N., Obrig, H., Mainka, S., & Kotz, S.A. (2014). Musically cued gait-training improves both perceptual and motor timing in Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 494.
Sowiński, J., & Dalla Bella, S. (2013). Poor synchronization to the beat may result from deficient auditory-motor mapping. Neuropsychologia, 51(10), 1952-1963.
Berkowska, M., & Dalla Bella, S. (2013). Uncovering phenotypes of poor-pitch singing: The Sung Performance Battery. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 714.
Dalla Bella, S., Białuńska, A., & Sowiński, J. (2013). Why movement is captured by music, but less by speech: Role of temporal regularity. PLOS ONE, 8(8), e71945.
Dalla Bella, S., Tremblay-Champoux, A., Berkowska, M., & Peretz, I. (2012). Memory disorders and vocal performance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1252, 338-44.
Dalla Bella, S., & Palmer, C. (2011). Rate Effects on Timing, Key Velocity, and Finger Kinematics in Piano Performance. PLOS One, 6(6), e20518.
Dalla Bella, S., Berkowska, M., & Sowiński, J. (2011). Disorders of pitch production in tone deafness. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 164.
Pfordresher, P., & Dalla Bella, S. (2011). Delayed auditory feedback and movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37(2), 566-79.
Białuńska, A., Dalla Bella, S., & Jaśkowski, P. (2011). Increasing stimulus intensity does not affect sensorimotor synchronization. Psychological Research, 75(1), 43-53.
Tremblay-Champoux, A., Dalla Bella, S., Phillips-Silver, J., Lebrun, M-A., & Peretz, I. (2010). Singing proficiency in congenital amusia: Imitation helps. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 27(6), 463-476.
Keller, P.E., Dalla Bella, S., & Koch, I. (2010). Auditory imagery shapes movement timing and kinematics: Evidence from a musical task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 508-513.
Berkowska, M., & Dalla Bella, S. (2009). Acquired and congenital disorders of sung performance: A review. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 5, 69-83.
Dalla Bella, S., Kraus, N., Overy, K., Pantev, C., Snyder, J.S., Tervaniemi, M., Tillmann, B., & Schlaug, G. (2009). The Neurosciences and Music III: Disorders and Plasticity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1169.
Dalla Bella, S., Giguère, J-F., & Peretz, I. (2009). Singing in congenital amusia. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(1), 414-424.
Dalla Bella, S., & Berkowska, M. (2009). Singing proficiency in the majority: Normality and “phenotypes” of poor singing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 99-107.
Dalla Bella, S., & Berkowska, M. (2009). Singing and its neuronal substrates: Evidence from the general population. Contemporary Music Review, 28(4), 1-13.
Berkowska, M., & Dalla Bella, S. (2009). Reducing linguistic information enhances singing proficiency in occasional singers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 108-111.
Stewart, L., von Kriegstein, K., Dalla Bella, S., Warren, J.D., & Griffiths, T.D. (2009). Disorders of musical cognition. In S. Hallam, I. Cross, & M. Thaut (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology (pp. 184-196), New York: Oxford University Press.
Khalfa, S., Roy, M., Rainville, P., Dalla Bella, S., & Peretz, I. (2008). Role of tempo entrainment in psychophysiological differentiation of happy and sad music? International Journal of Psychophysiology, 68, 17-26.
Dalla Bella, S., Giguère, J-F., & Peretz, I. (2007). Singing proficiency in the general population. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, 1182-89.
Thompson, W.F., Dalla Bella, S., & Keller, P. (Eds.) (2006). Special Issue on Music Performance. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 2(2-3).
Gosselin, N., Peretz, I., Clément, J., & Dalla Bella, S. (2006). Comment le cerveau reconnaît-il la musique? Autonomie et fractionnement du système de reconnaissance musicale. In B. Lechevalier, H. Platel, & F. Eustache (Eds), Le cerveau musicien. Neuropsychologie et psychologie cognitive de la perception musicale (pp. 91-122). Bruxelles: De Boeck Université.
Dalla Bella, S., & Peretz, I. (2005). Differentiation of classical music require little learning but rhythm. Cognition, 96(2), B65-78.
Earlier Work
Dalla Bella, S. (Ed.) (2004). Special Issue on Music cognition and the brain. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 9(1).
Dalla Bella, S., & Peretz, I. (2003). Congenital amusia interferes with the ability to synchronize with music. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999, 166-169.
Dalla Bella, S., Peretz, I., & Aronoff, N. (2003). Time-course of melody recognition: A gating paradigm study. Perception & Psychophysics, 65(7), 1019-1028.
Khalfa, S., Dalla Bella, S., Roy, M., Peretz, I., & Lupien, S. (2003). Effects of Relaxing Music on Salivary Cortisol Level after Psychological Stress. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999, 374-376.
Dalla Bella, S., Peretz, I., Rousseau, L., & Gosselin, N. (2001). A developmental study of the affective value of tempo and mode in music. Cognition, 80(3), B1-B10.
Dalla Bella, S., Peretz, I., Rousseau, L., Gosselin, N., Ayotte, J., & Lavoie, A. (2001). Development of the happy-sad distinction in music appreciation: Does tempo emerge earlier than mode? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 930, 436-438.
Steele, K., Dalla Bella, S., Peretz, I., Dunlop, T., Dawe, L.A., Humphrey, K., Shannon, R.A., Kirby J.L.Jr., & Olmstead, C.G. (1999). Prelude or requiem for the ‘Mozart Effect’? Nature, 400(6747), 827-828.
Dalla Bella, S., & Peretz, I. (1999). Music agnosias: selective impairments of music recognition after brain damage. Journal of New Music Research, 28, 209-216.
Published Abstracts (selected)
Cochen De Cock, V., Verbizier, D., Geny, C., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). Rhythmic disorders in idiopathic RBD: a potential new marker for future PD? Movement Disorders, 34 (Suppl. S2), S282.
Cochen De Cock, V., Dotov, D., Damm, L., Picot, M-C., Ihalainen, P., Driss, V., Geny, C., Bardy, B., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). BeatPark: a new wearable device for gait auto-rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease delivering adapted musical stimulation. Movement Disorders, 34 (Suppl. S2), S886-887.
Puyjarinet, F., Bégel, V., Gény, C., Driss, D., Cuartero, M-C., Pinto, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). A general impaired-rhythm system underpins oro-motor, manual, and gait rhythmic disturbances in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 34 (Suppl. S2), S422-423.
Bégel, V., Bachrach, A., Dalla Bella, S., Laroche, J., Delval, A., Clément, S., Riquet, A., & Dellacherie, D. (2019). Dance for enhancing motor and cognitive skills in children with developmental anomalies of the cerebellum. Proceedings of the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), 68.
Blais, M., Komeilipoor, N., Gaillard, C., Laflamme, H., Kadi, M., Zagala, A., Rigoulot, S., Kotz, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). Tablet version of the Battery for the Assessment of Auditory Sensorimotor and Timing Abilities (BAASTA). Proceedings of the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), 163.
Rathcke, T., Lin, C-Y., Falk, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). When language hits the beat: Synchronising movement to simple tonal and verbal stimuli. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 1500-1504), Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
Cochen de Cock, V., De Verbizier, D., Driss, C., Geny, C., & Dalla Bella, S. (2019). Rhythmic disorders in idiopathic RBD: a potential new marker for future PD? European Journal of Neurology, 26 (Suppl. 1), 151.
Bouvet, C., Bardy, B., Keller, P., Dalla Bella, S., Nozaradan, S., & Varlet, M. (2018). Effects of accentuated auditory sequences on the stability of polyrhythmic bimanual coordination. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 40.
Puyjarinet, F., Bégel, V., Gény, C., Pinto, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2018). Relations between rhythmic impairment in speech and non-verbal domains in Parkinson’s disease. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61S, e46-47.
Nijhuis, P., Damm, L., Bégel, V., Dalla Bella, S., & Bardy, B.G. (2017). Music-Induced Movement Entrainment Increases Movement Stability. Studies in Perception and Action XIV: Nineteenth International Conference on Perception and Action, 53.
Bouvet, C.J., Varlet, M., Dalla Bella, S., Keller, P.E., & Bardy, B.G. (2017). Auditory Motor Entrainment to Complex Frequency Ratios. Studies in Perception and Action XIV: Nineteenth International Conference on Perception and Action, 45.
Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Gait rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease via musical rhythm: How to improve it. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Conference Abstract: SAN2016 Meeting.
Dalla Bella, S., & Balasubramaniam, R. (2016). BeatHealth: Bridging rhythm and technology to improve health and wellness. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 652.
Dalla Bella, S., Dotov, D.G., Bayard, S., Cochen de Cock, V., Geny, C., Guettard, E., Ihalainen, P., & Bardy, B.G. (2016). Optimization of rhythmic auditory cueing for gait rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 653.
Bardy, B.G., Damm, L., Blondel, F., Ihalainen, P., Varoqui, D., & Dalla Bella, S. (2016). When music (de-)synchronizes biology during running. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 654.
Demorest, S., & Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Factors influencing young children’s singing development. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 683.
Falk, S., Cuartero, M-C., Müller, T., & Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Rhythmic skills in children, adolescents and adults who stutter. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 769.
Begel, V., Benoit, C-E., Correa, A., Cutanda, D., Kotz, S.A., & Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Spared motor synchronization to the beat of music in the presence of poor beat perception. Proceedings from the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 806.
Falk, S., Maslow, E., Legou, T., Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Walking cadence is influenced by rhythmic regularity in speech. Proceedings from the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 822.
Roy, C., Lagarde, J., & Dalla Bella, S. (2016). Walking to a multisensory beat: Benefits of audio-tactile rhythmic stimulation. Proceedings of the 17 th International Multisensory Research Forum, 33.
Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Using music to improve mobility in Parkinson’s disease: Effects beyond gait? Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 58S, e71.
Dauvergne, C., Begel, V., Benoit, C-E., Kotz, S.A., & Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Battery for the Assessment of Auditory Sensorimotor and Timing Abilities (BAASTA): A rehabilitation perspective. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 58S, e72.
Bayard, S., Dotov, D.G., Cochen de Cock, V., Torre, K., Bardy, B.G., & Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Beat complexity and variability may optimize the effects of rhythmic auditory cueing on walk in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 30, S287-S287.
Dotov, D.G., Bayard, S., Cochen de Cock, V., Bardy, B.G., & Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Selecting the optimal strategy for the adaptive rhythmic auditory cueing of Parkinsonian walk. Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Perception-Action (ICPA), 33.
Puyjarinet, F., Albaret, J-M., & Dalla Bella, S. (2015). Perceptual and sensorimotor timing in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders with or without Developmental Coordination Disorder. Journal of Comorbidity, 5, 56.
Dalla Bella, S., Benoit, C-E., Farrugia, N., Keller, P., Obrig, H., Mainka, S., & Kotz, S.A. (2015). Musically cued gait-training in Parkinson’s disease: Motor benefits are related to sensorimotor skills. Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation, 37.